Ocean Data Discovery

Online communities and research institutes provide ocean data, for this data to-be accessible it must be easily reached. Our team is searching for ways to harness AI for the task of discovering on-line ocean data.

In the data discovery phase, candidate datasets are collected to fit a set of study parameters. The process of data discovery can be divided into three distinct steps: search, link, and identify.


In the search step, a list of candidate research is collected. Search is performed on repositories or through portals that provide access to multiple repositories, here after referred to as data sources. Data sources may contain either textual descriptions of studies or the datasets themselves.

The same data may appear in several datasets by being used for several studies. Thus, researchers are required to meticulously read the data collection procedures of every study used to make sure that their data do not contain duplicate measurements and identify each data-set or even data point in a unique manner.

The linking process entails connecting between studies and their datasets (and 462 vice versa) and between datasets, which are derived from one or more other datasets.